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Carbon and energy reduction in existing buildings - We can reduce your energy use, saving you money and reducing your organisation's carbon footprint.

Most of our clients know they want to reduce their energy consumption but are unsure where to invest their time and money to ensure the greatest return.

We are experts in creating more energy efficient buildings. We can carry out a detailed review of your energy use and suggest ways to reduce energy used, very often by a significant amount, at little cost.

Our recommendations are backed up by robust evidence of the effect of investing in an effective energy saving strategy. We can accurately predict both the cost and carbon saving before you carry out any changes.

We will assist you in setting up an Energy Saving Programme and producing an effective Energy Reduction Policy, setting realistic targets over a realistic timescale.

We can also train your staff on how to be more energy efficient at work by making easy, non intrusive changes to the way they work. We do this in an encouraging, positive way.

Please call us on +44 (0)1865 600173 or email at to discuss your requirements.

The Code For Sustainable Homes  The Oxfordshire Construction Training Group     
We are Sustainable Development and Energy Consultants
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